Monday, July 16, 2012

Fun Fun Friday!!!

Last friday, I finally managed to get the off in liew which my manager owes me. Its been a really  long time since I get to rest on a friday! So I decided to accompany Xin Xin to a havaianas event at Takashimaya,which she was invited.

The Event is called make your own havaianas, like what its name suggested we get to design our own havaianas flip flops. So me and Xin Xin went in and start to mingle around while the kind staffs guide us on how to start to design our own havaianas. You start from the choosing the colour and style of the base, den you proceed on to choose the strap and finally any accessories you will like to have on your havaianas.
(At 1st I tot they will required me to draw on the havaianas.... omg my drawing sux hahah)

It took me and Xin Xin quite a while to choose as we were spoilt by the choices they have, so after about 15 mins we decided on what we want.
Here are the finally products:
The black and green strap one is mine, see the sunglasses? hahahha ( dont mind the hairy leg).
The sky blue and silver strap one is Xin Xin's! 
We got them for free! ( Thank you Xin Xin!)
It's was really fun and it's was the 1st time I accompany Xin Xin to an event.

After that we proceed to join my uni mates for a gathering which was long overdue. These few cocksters really made my day, I'm glad that I had them during my uni days. Time will be tough without them.
That's all for this time :) 
Remember be grateful and life will treat you good :)

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