Friday, July 27, 2012

Apple of my eye :)

3 days ago, I stepped into the 4th month of this relationship with my gf Xinxin. I was resting on my bed calling her when I wished her happy 4th month. At that instance we both had the same thought, we felt  we had been together for a really long time (like lao fu lao qi). Its just us as, alot of my friends and colleagues feels that we are had been together for a long time and all kept asking me when are we getting married hahahah....

I was doing some self thought session after I ended my call with Xinxin, I came to realise that I was so comfortable with her and I somehow forgot about the existance of time. She is a great gf, I never had so much fun and laughter in my life (besides hanging out with my buddies). She is the only person in my life who can do anything she wants to me and I cant do anything to stop her hahahahaha....

She really have all the traits I always wanted in her. I really love her for her straightforwardness. When she say no its means no and vice versa, so I never need to guess whether are there any underlining meanings from the things she says, usually its me who think too much hahahah. She also has a very righteous character even more righteous than me. She always says that she is not a good person but I beg to differ, she is one of the kindest soul I ever met. Although she maybe quite grouchy when she is angry hahahaha but that doesnt change the fact that she is still my greatest love of all :)

I love you Xinxin :)

I think i shall stop here or else I will mushy mushy you all to death hahahah.

Let me attached one of my favorite photo before i go :)

Bye everyone!

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