Friday, July 6, 2012

Memories Part 2

For people who knew me for decades, they know that I don't like to take photos because I always feel that I'm not photogenic maybe its due to the fact that I don't find myself belonging to the good looking league LOL. So from my facebook, you will realize that all of my photos actually features me behind the camera. 

I always feel this way until I met my gf :) She told me that photos are ways to remember things that you done . All those happy and unhappy times, which I only began to understand when I was flipping through the photos we took. As I was looking through them, I saw all the stories behind each and every single one of them. My gf she loves to take photos, I mean really love to take photos!!! She's been telling me if I realized that my photo counts are building up at a tremendous speed.  I'm really grateful as I dont know when, but there will be a day when I will grow old and senile, and maybe I wouldnt  remember anything that I ever did before. When that day comes, I will have our photos with me bringing me back to that time reliving everything we even did together.

This reminds of a song by Olivia Ong - You and Me.

Thank you XX !!!
I love you :)

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