Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Special Day

on 08/08/1984, I was born at alexander hospital if i didnt remember it wrongly LOL.
From the time I start to remember moments in my life, I always saw my family and relatives celebrating my birthday, my dad, mom and my beloved grandma :). Things took a change when I went to poly, I began to see friends celebrating my birthday, my 2 most trusted BROTHERS Ken and Jian, recently it expanded even further to Mrs Ong and Mom (A close friend that I call her mom hahaha). Times are were good, I remembered all the moments, the fun ,the irritation, the -_- moments, but I always wondered how does it feel celebrating with someone that loves me , not those family or friendship kind of love, I mean love.

This year on my 28th birthday, My wish finally came true. I had a beauty celebrating my birthday with me, her name is Xinyi :)
On the day of my birthday, I made a major decision. 
It took me sometime to consider about it. I kept asking myself questions and after some serious thinking ( which i seldom do)
I decided the spend the rest of my life with her, we bought a flat together.

Xinyi planned my birthday celebration which included a lot of surprises. Despite she was sick the day before, and had to wake up really early for work, she still carry on to celebrated my birthday. I was really touched :)
We checked into the hard rock hotel at Sentosa, we did some wash up and we went for my birthday dinner.
Xinyi was wearing a black lace dress that day ( see above photo), black was her usually colour but this day she just look extremely astonishing :)
She booked the sky dinner (We had dinner in the cable car) which was decorated with angry birds LOL after that dinner, we came to conclusion that we had enough angry birds for the our lifetime LOL.
Here the dinner we had ;) It was good.
After dinner, I knew Xinyi had a long day so I told her lets so back to the room and rest. So we went back wash up and was chatting to couch when someone knocked on my door.
We didnt order room service or anything, so we were both puzzled.
I decided to go answer the door. I didnt saw anyone as I opened the door then someone jumped out from the side!!! It was my BROTHERS, Ken, Mrs Ong, Jian and Mom.
I was shocked, but at the same time feeling happy and touched.
The truth was they planned a surprise celebration for me with Xinyi :) no wonder despite how tired Xinyi was she doesnt wanna rest.
They even brought a birthday cake, full chocolate with peppermint ice cream.
We all hanged out for a small chat and before we knew it, my birthday was over.
Soon my BROTHERS bid their farewell.
I looked at Xinyi and saw that she was really tired. I put her to bed  and told her I love her.

I never had a girlfriend to celebrate my birthday before it was a really amazing feeling and experience.
At the moment I realized I had someone who love me, someone who is not my family and friends.
Xinyi hates it when I PDA ( Public Display of Affection) but sometimes I feel by just telling her I love her isnt enough, I need to show the whole world I LOVE HER.

I will stop here today, Wishing all those born in the month of Aug happy birthday

P.S Next it will me celebrating Xinyi's Birthday.


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