Sunday, December 2, 2012

1st USS Trip

Went to my 1st USS trip with Xin Xin and my buddy Dexter & his GF on 24-11-2012.
Had a really great time there. Weather was fine,crowd was decent. Maybe a little cock ups here and there but still a really great weekend.

Was supposed to meet Dexter & GF @ 130pm that day but I had a really difficult trying to hoax Coco but to her play pen and this little adorable creature got some of her own excrement on her feet so I had to clean her up which resulted I was there at 215 LOL, lucky that Dexter & GF are people who are very magnanimous.
Because she likes to run away so I had to put her on a table.

Its the only time she will stay put to let me clean her.

Look at all the filth on the baby wipes

I was busy cleaning and Xin Xin was busy taking pictures HAHAHA

Signage given to me by Xin Xin
At about 230pm I made my 1st step into USS.
The 1st mascot we made was the KUNGFU PANDA.
The panda pushed Dexter aside and wanted to take photo with his GF only LOL! Angry Dexter with his Fist.
In the end we didnt manage to take alot of photos, because we deposited everything into the locker including our phones and we all realised that it isnt so bad to live without your phone for a while.

We went around USS phoneless and Cameraless. We took all the ride and my personal favorite was the transformer ride!! The Galaxy battleship was good also! We took both the Red and the Blue rides!!!!WOOHOOOOO!!!!

When we went back to our locker its was already evening time.
Xin Xin wanted to buy her favorite Sesame Street Character Oscar the Grouch and so we went :)
Oscar and Xin Xin, who is more grouchy LOL.
Photos of the gang
Dont you find the colours matched really well. Wondering Y am I not in the picture?
Because my Favorite Character was not at the photo above. COUNT DRACULA!!!!

Some random photos I took.

Missed this!!! will be back for it.

A short break while we wait for the fire works
Yes!!!! We managed to catch the parade and also the FIREWORKS!!!
Even though the tickets was a little exp but it was money well spent!
Looking forward to my next trip :)

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