Friday, December 28, 2012

Taiwan 14th to 18th Dec - Day 2

Let's start DAY 2!!!!!

After a superb 1st day at Taiwan, Me and My Love were dead tired so we decided that we should rest early so that we can wake up early the next day to enjoy our trip more! BUT!!!!! we managed to surprise even ourselves, we woke up at 12pm LOL!!! Its was like half a day gone HAHAHA and after we were prepared to go out its alr nearing 2pm! We really took out time :)

We were super hungry so we decided to go for the famous Ah Zong Mian Xian 阿宗面线, even though its abt 2 in the afternoon the place was still packed with locals and tourists like us!

Took a close up shot! this guy with the green bowl in 1 hand is super skilled, he was like moving super fast!!!!
Ya!! I love Mee Sua!!!
My Love really loved the Mee Sua

After having the delicious Ah Zong Mian Xian, We moved off to our next location.

I was reading this travel guide regarding Taipei and saw this particular mall which looks really interesting, its was said to be a Japanese Theme Mall called Breeze Centre 微风广场. So I decided to bring My Love our to the mall as she is Japanese Fanatic :) Its really near the station called Zhong Xiao Fu Xing 忠孝复兴

On our way there we saw this place HAHAHA
Didn't knew My Love owns a clinic in Taiwan!!!!
So we reached the Breeze Centre Mall and whats the 1st thing we did when we reached??
We took a coffee break HAHAHA at the Agnes' B Cafe, I didn't knew Agnes' B had cafes.
Agnes B Cafe!!! and the served superb chocolates!
A Vanilla Cheescake!
This Ham and Cheese Sandwich is F*****G GOOD!
Onward to shopping!!!!!!!!
This mall wasn't as Japanese as I thought it would be but its still a really nice place! Its a 8 Lvl building totally filled with boutique Outlets and I think its the winter season as no matter where we went, there are sales going on.

We bought lots of stuffs, from shoes to books to branded bags etc
Here some pics

Camwhoring 1
Camwhoring 2
My Love that introduced me to Camwhoring!
Look at her Samantha Vega Victory Pose!!
ML: Am I Pretty?  Me: Yes (Roll eyes), just kidding :) 

The Night came really fast during winter in Taiwan, It will start to darken at abt 5.30pm.
At 1st we were shocked when we stepped out of the mall and the sky was so dark and we asked each other did we shopped for such a long time and when I checked my watch its was abt 7.30pm. We were both famished so we decided we should go for dinner and where else to go den the famous Hello Kitty Theme Restaurant :)

All this are cakes!

So this is how the Hello Kitty Restaurant works besides they served course meals, all you need to choose is the salad, cold dish, main and drinks there rest will be set by the restaurant.
What we see when we stepped in 
The salad, notice everything has a hello kitty in it.
Hello Kitty Bread hahah took me awhile before I decide to eat .
Foie Gras!
My Love ordered the Bake Rice, Notice the Hello Kitty Carrot hiding over there?
Mine will be Carbonara
Pink Straw LOL

We called this Forever alone shot
Forever alone shot 2
After dinner we went back to the hotel to put down out stuff before we head out to our next destination.
Don't you people feel that you are even more busy during a holiday den a normal working day HAHAHA.
Our Next Destination is Shi Da Night Market! 师大夜市.

Saw this band singing in the middle of Ximending and they are good!!!
The moment we stepped in the night market, we eat! My Love asked me to act cool so I tried my best
Act cool shot 2
Saw this stall selling beancurd!
This is good! even though its winter, a bowl of cold beancurd still hits the spot.
I bought another drink back to the hotel its bailey and red bean soup, it may sound weird but it really tastes super good and its abt 35 NT ($1.40).
We shopped until around 1030pm at the Night Market and we decided we should head back and rest!
On our way back to the hotel My Love was craving for some bites so we bought these!
My Love bought some Deep Fried Mushrooms

Me? Hotdogs :)
Afterwards we went back to the hotel to checked our victory trophies for today! and enjoy all the delicious food we bought HAHAHA!!

More Updates be coming :)

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