Thursday, December 27, 2012

Taiwan 14th to 18th Dec - Day 1

This time with the love of my life Soh Xinyi Cyndi!!!!
Its the 1st time I'm going oversea with someone else rather den my parents so you all must know the heart racing feelings and I'm suppose to plan for the trip which I did but there are still lots of room for improvements.

We took FlyScoot and I must say we did get a cheap deal compare to SIA but because its during the school holidays it ain't the cheapest. We paid about 450 per pax for tickets but according to my love if we fly by SIA it will cost ard 800 to 900? so we saved abt 50%.

The flight was a midnight flight on 14th Dec 0055hrs, so when we reached the airport we're like already half dead.The Flight was abt 4hrs and 10min so we reached time at abt 6am due to some technical difficulties as the engine of the plane wouldn't start. In my mind I was like WTF and all the plane disastrous event kept popping out in my mind, of course I didn't tell my love abt it. I tried my very best to remain calm, don't know did she see through my lousy acting LOL!

So we reached Taiwan, as our hotel is in the Famous Ximending西门町 which is like an hour's journey from the airport we need to take the coach service from the airport. I highly recommend the GuoGuang Coach Service国光客运,Its abt 125 NT per pax ($5.20) and the bus is quite frequent abt 15 to 20 min interval.
but if you all will be reaching taiwan like in the afternoon I will recommend the flygo coach service 飞狗客运( I am not so sure abt the chinese characters.) because its will stop right in Ximending. After the coach ride, we transit at taipei main station MRT (台北车站捷运) fee is abt 20 NT ($0.85) its just one stop away, take the blue line to yong ning station (永宁/永寧).

The Hotel we booked is called inhouse hotel or (悅酒店), what I can see more the staffs are nice, super good service, the rooms are super pretty, room size is still alright, a bar, free WIFI!!!! and the most importantly the hotel allows you to check in anytime not like some hotel or majority of the hotels which only lets you check in after 12pm. We are so excited abt our room and we forgotten to  take any pictures of the room LOL!

We reached the hotel at ard 930, checked in, took some breakfast and we couldn't take it anymore and so we went to sleep HAHAHA, we woke up at around 2pm and we were really hungry so the 1st stop was to eat :)

We reached!!! Super Tired!
Loh Bak Peng!!!! 卤肉饭

Or Wah Jian!!! Oyster Pancake! My Love super love this

How can this be left out! Singapore's famous take a pic with the food!
After a satisfactory lunch we continue our shopping!!!!
This is what we see when we stepped out of the hotel!!!

Some Camwhoring! My love say I know how to pose more now!

How can we not shop for STAY REAL in Taiwan!

Just me goofing around in front of  the hotel!

Me and My Love got this little habit! We like to retreat back to our hotel to put down our stuffs and take a short break before we head off to the next destination! Shilin Night Market 士林夜市!

On our way to the train station

A super good singer!

This kid was playing with a bubble but we didn't manage to capture it in time.
Trying to act cool!!
She is also but I think she is doing a better job!
Some  more camwhoring!
The Famous Xilin Night Market 士林夜市
Not asking you to look at the girl! but this drink is super good, just really good milk with pearl 45 NT (S$1.80)
We didn't take much photo because we were busy shopping! hahaha no spare hands to take photo!

And we got hungry!

Saw this but didn't try looks suspicious! Sentosa Singapore Cuisine???
We walked for quite awhile as most places were really crowded and we found a small restaurant in some alley!!! But they serve good food and most importantly I finally saw an adult woman who is shorter den My Love LOL!!
Waiting for Food

Waiting for food too!

Corn Soup and some really good salad

Pork Cutlet with Omelette
We were dead tired after that so we decided to call it a day!

More updates will be coming :)

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