Monday, July 2, 2012


Today's post is about DXX & XXX if you all wanna know what does it means, you gonna go find it out yourself this is something that me and my gf shares. I really wanna thank her for bringing so much fun, laughter and happiness into my life, I never knew having someone to love, think about, worry, being jealous of is this meaningful, I mean the moment you knew that this special someone has found their way into your heart and became part of your life, your whole world changes. It becomes more vibrant, more real!, it began to fill your life with more emotions ( good and bad ones...), which i chose to keep both types because both will become meaningful moments to recall and when the time comes we will both laugh about it.

I went for short trip to BKK early this june, it's actually the 1st time I wenrt to BKK ( you can call me a mountain tortoise but I don't care). We were having so much fun, the shopping, food, massage which really enjoyed because we can finally be alone just the 2 of us, even though we listed our places to go in BKK we just go with the mood, no rushing, schedule to keep up to ( I hate package tour travel -_-). We just sleep till late morning had brunch and decide where should we go next.

My girlfriend blogs too below are the link if you wanna know how our BKK went :)

I shall stop here today will bring more updates.

1 comment:

Xiaoxin said...

Thanks for the beautiful memories!