Friday, September 21, 2012

Casual Updates

Things have being going really well between me and Xin Xin.

Just last week Xin Xin parents went overseas for a trip so they asked me to stay over at their place. (Xin Xin has a record of severe laziness!!!) asking me to take care of her, so I agreed.

I went over after work on a friday. Xin Xin was at home waiting for my arrival :)
I really enjoyed the time spent alone with Xin Xin even its just sitting side by side doing my own things.
We just enjoyed each others company alot.

On the second day, we both kinda fall sick. I caught a cold and Xin Xin got a migraine attack!!!
Xin Xin has a serious migraine condition.
Every time she got a attack its like her head gonna explode, she will feel like vomiting and without medication she will literally hit her head against a wall.
To prevent this from ever happening again, I'm always checking whether Xin Xin gets enough sleep, her usual supply of coffee and food.
I know there's isn't a permanent cure to migraine but how I hope there will be cure to rid Xin Xin of this terrible problems of hers.

Today is friday, which means I will get to see Xin Xin :) as usually she will be staying over at my place, I planned to bring her to USS tmr to see her favorite Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street. Lets hope that I will be a nice and cooling day tmr :)

Don't have any photos to update recently as all of them are with Xin Xin.

Will be back with more post and photos.


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