Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just Ranting :)

Good News to share!!! I finally gotten my loan for the EC @ Tampines that me and Xin Xin applied.
Which means we are now 600k in debt hahaha....

People had been shocked by the swift decision that I had made upon this.
Similar questions came flying to me. E.g "So Fast!!!", "Its a huge commitment", "Have you think through abt it" etc etc etc.

Of Course, there are blessings too. E.g "Wahh!!!!", "When are you all getting married?", "Congrats" etc etc.

To clear things up :)
1. Yes!!! I thought through it ages ago!
2. When it comes to commitment, there's isn't a period to gauge it. There isn't a "oh its only 6 months, I should not commit." or "Oh, it's already being 5 years, I think it's time to commit."
3. What I am trying to say is, we can't put a timeline on commitment. For us people we work with emotions, we let our feelings guide us. We actually committed even before we know it. For us who lives in Singapore, we tend we date longer because of the high cost of getting a flat. Its always the finance problem that get a hold on us.

We will be going to the lawyer's office to get the final procedure done :)

Recently, work have being taking a toll on me.
I not saying, I don't like my job.
It's just a particular committee that I am handling giving me some problems.
This particular guy is really hard to get through. I don't wanna go head on with him as it will definitely make my life even more miserable.
I admit that I do have my mistakes but if you can't communicate properly with you members, it ain't my problem, you should sort things out with them rather than getting me to relay your messages.
Also, I am here to assist you but I AM NOT YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT.
You don't call me as and when you like and request like to mediocre stuffs like printing some signs and kept calling me for a couple of days chasing for it. 

What I am saying is you better don't get on my nerves or I will be your worst enemy.

Thank you.

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