Tuesday, March 24, 2009

DOG!!! DOG!!! DOG!!! 2

My dog is better now starting to get more and more active, and he doesnt let me feed him med, even bit my hand 0_0 ......, but he is stilll weak never seen him running abt after the food poisoning, maybe it gonna take a fews day more.

Juz finished gym with Jinx, need to train up for my IPPT, need to clear it B4 my bday.

In dilemma now, I love and hate my job at the same time, nice environment nice colleage but shitty pay,
wonder how my schoolmate can quit her job and get another 1 like in 2 days???

Maybe its like wat my boss says because she wears a skirt i dont??

I dun tink so, hows can there be such biaseness.

Anyway looking for to meet my usual gang.

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