Monday, March 16, 2009

Farkup Day and Unusual Little miss missy e e!!!

15-March, after been 'punked' by my Friends i tot tat it was too stupid to go back home so i decided to go MS to find Ken to check wat plan he had after his guitar lesson,but turns out he needs to go back home for a poker competition, den "Little miss missy e e" asked me whether i wanna go play computer games with her and her friends, can u believe it "Little miss missy e e" asked me for a gaming session, she never likes game.

So we went and got to know 2 new friends, Vanessa = Ken's guitar student, Neo= a Ex JRock Vocalist,
after we went and had dinner and talk alot abt "Little miss missy e e's" love life, so she went like u know he.... , he likes...... , he said......., and her 2 friends tink actually tot they are an item.

Anyway, I reallly dunno wat write le, so i will juz end here.

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