Friday, March 6, 2009


Today is the last day that my manager gonna stay wif us as he is gonna transfer to another dept. Althought i only knew him for 3 months but he was a cool guy and 1 of the best managers i even had.

We juz had our farewell dinner with him can see that all those tats been with him for a longer time cant bear the tot that he is leaving, coz after him we gonnna have a lady manager, who is the HOD's niece. I only met her twice she seem like a friendly lady but i heard stuff abt her, she's the follow the book kind of person, which means hell as all of us dun follow the book.

Work is getting tough as we are getting a lot of complains from customers tat we increased the price too much but there nothing i can do abt it, although they understand but heard the same thing over and over again and explaining over and over again is irriating, heard tat there's gonna be another increment on May, shit i tink i need to install bulletproof glass on my desk or else i might get shot 1 day.

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