Thursday, March 5, 2009

wat shld i put fot the title???

Okie i wanted to write this on the 4th but juz couldnt find the time to do it. Okie i know its been a few days seen i last update my blog but i really dun wan to write meaningless things like how fine the days stuff etc...

Okie 04-Feb was a really frustrating day for me, everything juz dun seem to be going right, not enuff slp plus a huge crowd at work was really a killer but i still manage to pull it off until the last customer came, a 29 year old guy who looks 40 plus and his mom looks like his wife. He first came to me with the thought of without going thru an agent his insurance for his car will be cheaper den after everything, he was pissed off when i told him tat i cant do the certain thing he requested and he start using a tone as if i was planning to cheap his $$ from the start. After like 5 mins of talking his ass off he finally left, can u imagine a guy who is 29, called his MOM to paid for his car insurance, if u cant afford dun drive man.

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